Monday, November 22, 2010

Missy Lou

This business thing is hard work. Remembering to hand out business cards is my big downfall. I have the cutest little business cards, everyone has commented how much they love them, but I forget I have them... whoops.

On Sunday I had another market stall which went well. I have decided to take a different direction and price all my items $10 and under. That way whilst I'm not making a huge amount of profit I have a larger turnover of stock. Oh and the quality of items is a real hit.

I'm also finding I'm having alot of repeat buyers off ebay, which is great! And people contacting me for little clothing parties. 

but what I'm looking for now is a way of 'spreading the word'. And I have no idea! So I started a facebook fan page. So far so good 73 followers...but I need more! So I have opened up a HUGE Christmas Sale and Competition...fingers crossed I can hit 100 followers by January.


  1. Am following your facebook page now :) There's some very cute things on there!!

  2. Thanks Sarah! I'm getting there, starting of small :)
