Sunday, September 12, 2010

THE dress

Why is it when there is no event or special occasion to go to I can find exactly what I want from the dress, shoes, handbag....I could go on and on!
 Fast forward to this weekend coming, I have a formal, a wedding and a christening then a graduation to attend. My panic set in last night, I have bought a dress...OK three dresses but I hate them all! And god forbid I tell hubby I in fact have 3 different ones and I am considering going and buying a fourth.
So guess what .I did today... I went and bought a fourth....and a fifth dress.
I don't know what came over me, why on earth did I buy two dresses I hear you ask...because the lovely lady in the shop felt so sorry for me she gave them to me for a steal...all $800 of it!

OMG...what have I done? 

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